Terms of service


1.1 Hyphen s.r.o., with registered office at Italská 1205/10, Vinohrady, 120 00 Praha 2, ID No. 07162251, VAT No. CZ07162251, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, file No. C 295775, issues these Terms of Use of Pracujvezdravotnictvi.cz for Users ("Terms of Service"), which govern the terms and conditions of use of the online portal Pracuj ve Zdravotnictví and related services by Users.
1.2 Contact information is available at https://www.pracujvezdravotnictvi.cz/.
1.3 By using the portal and related services, the User agrees to these Terms of Service. Otherwise, the User is not entitled to use the Portal and the Services.


2.1 The Service is provided by Hyphen s.r.o. through the web portal https://www.pracujvezdravotnictvi.cz/, through which employers and intermediaries exclusively in the healthcare sector can post job offers and users can respond to individual job offers by creating an account. All users can browse the portal and rate healthcare employers. Registered users can save job listings, articles and hospitals to their favorites while having full access to their user profile.
2.2 The Service is provided free of charge to Users by Hyphen s.r.o. unless otherwise provided for in a separate agreement with the User.


3.1 Users who wish to register may do so through the registration form available on the portal https://www.pracujvezdravotnictvi.cz/, by filling in true and error-free information about themselves. Correctly entering the user's email address is necessary to complete the registration. User registration is free of charge.
3.2 The registration of a user creates a user account.
3.3 The User may cancel his/her account at any time free of charge by contacting support@pracujvezdravotnictvi.cz support. Cancellation of the account will also delete the profile including any information or documents stored.


4.1 Users may use the selected services only after successful registration. These services are provided from the date of registration of the user on the portal https://www.pracujvezdravotnictvi.cz/ for the entire duration of the account, but no longer than the period of operation of the portal by Hyphen s.r.o.
4.2 In the case of entering data into the profile that may be available to potential employers who may subsequently contact the user with a possible job offer, this information must be true and error-free.
4.3 On the basis of the data filled in by the user and the activity on the portal https://www.pracujvezdravotnictvi.cz/, Hyphen s.r.o. is entitled to send the user notifications and recommendations regarding job positions that may be relevant to the user.
4.4 The pricing and related payment terms for the provision of services, as well as other information and terms of such services, are set out in a separate agreement with the User. 
4.5 Hyphen s.r.o. shall be entitled to suspend or cancel the operation of the Portal or any part thereof at any time and without prior notice, as well as to terminate the provision of any services or any part thereof. 
4.6 Hyphen s.r.o. reserves the right to block or delete any data, communication, information or link, especially if they contain data that is inaccurate or illegal (e.g. if they are not related to the job search, contain fictitious data, political or other opinions, vulgarities, etc.).
4.7 Hyphen s.r.o. reserves the right to prevent, by available technical and legal means, the use of the Portal and the Services by a User (including the deletion of any data or documents entered) who has repeatedly or substantially violated these Terms of Service. 
4.8 In particular, the following content is deemed to be a material breach of these Terms of Use by the User:

  • information that is contrary to the law of the Czech Republic or good morals, 
  • sexually explicit information, 
  • information about third parties without their knowledge;
  • information that may damage the good name or reputation of Hyphen s.r.o. or other persons; or 
  • information that is manifestly false. 

4.9 The User is not entitled to: 

  • process data in the Portal in an automated manner or in any other similar manner to exploit the databases of Hyphen s.r.o. beyond the scope necessary to fulfil the purpose of the Portal;
  • attempt to access parts of the portal to which he has not been expressly granted access by Hyphen s.r.o.; or
  • otherwise use the portal in a manner contrary to its purpose.


5.1 Hyphen s.r.o. makes no warranties to users in relation to the features, accuracy of data and availability of the portal and services, unless otherwise expressly stated in a separate contract concluded with the user. 


6.1 Hyphen s.r.o. accepts complaints primarily at the contact email address or at any of its premises. 
6.2 The service will be made available to the user depending on the functioning of the portal. During a portal outage or downtime, the service may be temporarily unavailable to the user without compensation. 
6.3 In the event that the service made available to the user contains defects, the user may: 

  • request that the defect be rectified free of charge (if the defect can be rectified without undue delay); or 
  • request that the service be made available without defects, unless this is unreasonable in view of the nature of the defect (if the defect relates to only part of the service, the user may only request that that part of the service be made available again);
  • withdraw from the contract if none of the above solutions is possible or if there is a recurrence of the same defect after repair or a greater number of defects. 

6.4 If the user does not withdraw from the contract or does not exercise the right to access the service without defects or part of it or to have the service repaired, the user may demand a reasonable discount. The paying user is also entitled to a reasonable discount if Hyphen s.r.o. is unable to make available a new service without defects or part thereof or to repair the service, as well as if Hyphen s.r.o. fails to remedy the defect within a reasonable period of time or if it causes the user significant difficulties to remedy the defect. 
6.5 If the user fails to notify the defect without undue delay after he could have discovered it with timely inspection and reasonable care, he may not be entitled to the right of defective performance. 


7.1 When using the services of Hyphen s.r.o., the personal data of users may be processed within the meaning of and in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the processing of personal data.

Detailed information on the purpose, scope, duration and rights of data subjects of the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy, which is available here.


8.1 These Terms and Conditions are governed by Czech law, in particular in accordance with the provisions of the CC and Act No. 634/1992 Coll. on Consumer Protection, as amended.
8.2 Out of court resolution of consumer disputes is the responsibility of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID No.: 000 20 869, internet address: https://adr.coi.cz/cs. 
8.3 Hyphen s.r.o. is entitled to change these Terms of Service at any time to a reasonable extent.
8.4 These Terms of Use are valid and effective as of 1 January 2024.